Feb 01, 2025
Position Title: Patient Care Advisor Location: Plantation, FL Description: At ClareMedica, exceptional is the standard. Driven by our purpose to enhance the lives of the seniors in the communities where we have the privilege to work, live, and play, the ClareMedica team is comprised of the brightest and best in their fields of expertise. From clinical excellence to unparalleled administrative support and beyond, we are working together to help seniors live happier, healthier, fuller lives. That kind of teamwork and passion for excelling can only exist in a workplace that fosters employees’ growth and wellness and where their full potential and value are realized. At ClareMedica, We are excited about great people like you. We are even more excited to support you with resources, training, benefits, competitive compensation, and more to help you thrive and succeed in our communities. Opportunity awaits – welcome to ClareMedica. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The...
ClareMedica Health Partners LLC
Plantation, FL, USA