Campbell County Health (CCH) is the most comprehensive healthcare provider in the State of Wyoming. Certified as an Area Trauma Hospital, Campbell County Health includes Campbell County Memorial Hospital, an acute care, community hospital in Gillette; Campbell County Medical Group with nearly 20 clinics; The Legacy Living & Rehabilitation Center long-term care center and the Powder River Surgery Center. We are dedicated to excellence every day…
To be responsive to our employee’s needs we offer:
Working in conjunction with the Surgical Services Director and OR Clinical Care Supervisor, the Registered Nurse assesses, plans, implements and collaborates with other departments to ensure excellence in patient and family care, reflective of CCH mission, vision and values. The RN will integrate departmental goals for improvement across the care continuum. He/She coordinates and delegates unit and patient care activities, as appropriate, to other health care providers. The RN practices within the framework of the Wyoming Nurse Practice Act, American Nurses Association professional standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and AORN Standards of Care.
Campbell County Health includes Campbell County Memorial Hospital, a 90-bed acute care, community hospital; Campbell County Medical Group with nearly 20 clinics; The Legacy Living & Rehabilitation Center long-term care center and the Powder River Surgery Center. We are certified as an Area Trauma Hospital by the State of Wyoming. Almost 80 physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners in over 20 specialties are committed to your wellbeing right here at home. If you haven’t visited us lately, we urge you to get to know us again. Our physicians, nurses and staff are committed to giving you the very best experience possible.
Campbell County Health (CCH) has received the American College of Cardiology’s NCDR ACTION Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award for 2017. CCH is one of only 105 health care organizations nationwide to receive the honor.
Campbell County Health's Emergency Medical Services department earned the 2016 American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® EMS Bronze Level Recognition Award for implementing improved measures for treating patients who experience severe heart attacks. Every year, more than 250,000 people experience a ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), a type of heart attack caused by a complete blockage of blood flow to the heart that requires timely treatment. The EMS recognition program recognizes emergency responders for their efforts in improving STEMI systems of care and improving the quality of life for these patients.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released their first HCAHPS Star Rating for hospitals in July for the period October 1, 2014-September 30, 2015. The Star ratings were developed to provide consumers an easy way to compare hospitals and spotlight excellence in healthcare quality. Campbell County Memorial Hospital achieved 4 stars out of 5 for inpatient experience. Overall, CCMH received a 3-star ranking, which reflects quality of care and patient experience together.
Campbell County Health’s Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) was named one of the Top 20 Rural Community Hospitals in the country in 2017. The Top 20 Rural Community Hospitals, including CCMH, scored best among Prospective Payment System hospitals on iVantage Health Analytics’ Hospital Strength Index™. The rankings were recently announced by the National Rural Health Association (NRHA).