Dec 04, 2024
$151,000 - $175,000 yearly
Quality Primary Care for Every Patient at Every Visit Comprehensive Patient Care Model ~ No RVU/Production Contracts! We are seeking a Dentist at our location in Bigfork, MN to provide quality care in our communities. This Dentist will become part of a general dental practice, providing care in all areas of dentistry for all ages according to their comfort level and expertise. Collaborate with excellent dental specialists in the region for patients who need to be referred for care. Utilize our electronic dental records software that is fully integrated with our electronic medical records, improving patient care and communication between our medical and dental providers. All necessary training in electronic medical records will be personalized to fit individual needs. In modern facilities, you will enjoy a patient focused practice with a collaborative team of Dentists. Clinic schedules and patient appointments are quality focused creating a rewarding practice. Scenic Rivers Health...
Scenic Rivers Health Services
Bigfork, MN, USA
Full time